
Thursday, October 25, 2018

7 Halloween Tips to Keep Your Fur Kids Happy and Safe!

For veteran pet owners the following list is probably old news but for those folks who recently acquired a four-legged friend the following information will keep all pets safe while Halloween festivities are taking place:

1. Don't leave pets out in the yard on Halloween.
Surprisingly, vicious pranksters have been known to tease, injure, steal, and even kill pets on Halloween night.

2. Keep pets confined and away from the door.
Not only will your door be constantly opening and closing on Halloween but strangers will be dressed in unfamiliar costumes while asking for their candy. This, of course, is scary for our dogs and may make them become anxious and growl at innocent trick-or-treaters. Many pets (including cats) will become anxious by this commotion and choose to dart outside so please keep your pets confined!

3. Keep your outdoor cats inside several days before and several days after Halloween.
Black cats are especially at risk from pranks or other cruelty-related incidents. In fact, many shelters do not adopt out black cats during the month of October as a safety precaution.

4. Keep Halloween plants such as pumpkins and corn out of reach.
Although they are relatively nontoxic such plants can induce gastrointestinal upset should your pets ingest them in large quantities. Intestinal blockage can even occur if large pieces are swallowed.

5. Keep wires and electric light cords out of reach.
If chewed, your pet could cut himself or herself on shards of glass or plastic or receive a possibly life-threatening electrical shock.

6. Don't dress your pet in a costume unless you know they'll love it.
If you do decide that your pets should wear a Halloween costume please make sure it isn't uncomfortable or unsafe. It should not constrict movement, hearing, or the ability to breathe or bark and meow.

7. IDs, please!
If your dog or cat should escape and become lost having the proper identification will increase the chances that they will be returned. Just make sure the information is up-to-date even if your pet has been microchipped.

I hope these 7 safety tips will help your pets have a safe and happy Halloween!

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