
Friday, July 5, 2019

Stoli's Vet Visit

When clients are prevented from taking their pets to the vet due to their hectic work schedule I am always available to take them at a minimal cost and that is what I did on Tuesday with Stoli in tow. 

He had developed a very concerning and uncomfortable rash under his chin due to a reaction (according to the suspicion of the vet) to his diet. This picture only shows a fraction of the discomfort Stoli had been going through so I'm glad I was available to take him to the vet to help ease his pain.

In the exam room Stoli humorously stayed in his crate and later on the scale (he was carried out back on the scale!) while he was being treated! The tech and the vet both remarked on how handsome he is and they were right about that! The vet gave him two injections and advice to change his diet until they could make a good guess as to what caused his allergic reaction.

It was rewarding to be able to provide such a convenience to Stoli and his mom during such a stressful time. If you ever need me to take your pet to the vet please contact me and I'll be happy to help!

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