
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Purrsonal Space Is the Cat's Meow for Willow!

Hello, Everyone! 

My name is Willow and I must tell you that I hate it when my human packs her suitcase because it means that I will be subjected to visits from my cat sitter, Miss April, who has tried to befriend me for three whole years and she's still trying, poor girl. 

What she doesn't realize is that I am not interested in making friends with anyone other than my human and 
my sister, Annie, but only on my terms! 

Even though I made it clear that I need my S-P-A-C-E for the umpteenth time, Miss April asked if I wanted to play with a toy I named Shorty but I ignored her because, hey, that's what I do, but that didn't stop her from placing him in front of MY water bowl because I guess she wanted to see what it would look like if I had a real Chihuahua in my life! As you can see, I had no interest in him especially 

when he started racing towards me! One would think that my body language told  him I was purrfectly happy being ALONE! 

By this point I was both terrified and confused because he walked sideways and in circles while making weird humming noises so


I had no choice but to jump up to my tower of pillows where Shorty couldn't reach me but somehow he managed to find me!

If you ask me, I didn't have any other choice but to let him be my friend. Who knows? He just might be the purrfect friend I didn't know I needed!

1 comment:

Woof! Meow! Meow! Thanks for leaving a comment!