
Tuesday, November 10, 2015

8 Tips To Help You Find Your Lost Dog

A lost dog sign tacked to the neighborhood telephone pole is a sad reminder that ANY dog can become lost.   According to a survey conducted by the ASPCA, of the 78.2 million dogs living in 46 million US homes, about 7 million are lost every five years. The good news is that 93% make it back home!

More than likely, 93% made it home because their owners took IMMEDIATE action with the help of these 8 tips: 

1)Start your search at your home.  

Walk and drive around your property with a bag of dog treats to use as bait. Remember to carry a leash with you in case your dog is found.

Dogs have become trapped inside sheds, closed inside garages, entangled in wires under your home, dropped into wells, and even fallen into your pools so be sure to check your property very carefully.

2) Visit all of the animal shelters within 20 miles from where you think your dog was lost. 

Calling the animal shelter is not very effective because your pet may not yet be listed in the records at the front desk. Also, the way you describe your pet may not be the way a shelter describes your dog. Any animal may become dirty,  matted, and neglected-looking very quickly so you MUST visit the shelter even if your pet was wearing tags when it was lost. 

3) Visit and post fliers at all veterinary offices in your area.  

Many people will pick up a lost dog and take it to their vet's office even if it is across town. Visit all the offices and ask questions about where they would take a dog or cat that was brought in by a Good Samaritan. 

4) Fliers are the #1 way people find missing pets. 

The flier should include a color photo of your pet, a brief description, the date, your telephone number, and where your pet was last seen at the time he went missing. If you lack artistic or computer technology skills Pet Bond will generate one for you!

5) Leave something that smells like home, including food and water, on your front steps as soon as your pet goes missing.
Very often your dog will linger around your home once they've sniffed out the scent of your t-shirt, their dog bed, or toy. Check the location you left the scented items right at sunrise and sunset. 

The road crews for your local and state department of transportation (DOT) usually pick up deceased animals from the roadside and city streets. Call the city, county, and state road crews frequently to see if they have found your pet's body.  If your pet was wearing an ID tag, the DOT should contact you if they found your pet but don't count on it. You must put forth the effort to find out for yourself!

7) Check the internet for websites that will post information about missing pets. 

New Hampshire residents should rely on Granite State Dog Recovery for help because this small group of dedicated volunteers have been known to work tirelessly to help distressed owners find their dogs for as long as it takes to achieve success.

Otherwise,Pet Amber Alert, Find Toto, and Found and Lost Pets are great resources.

8) Network.

Go out in teams and talk to your neighbors, dog walkers, bus drivers, taxi drivers, local police, the mailman, and everyone else who frequents your neighborhood. Almost everyone can relate to your search for your lost dog and most will be sympathetic to your mission.

If you have any other lost dog search tips that you'd like to share, please leave a comment. Any extra help would be appreciated! 


  1. Also check with your local city/town dog officer. One thing people don't realize in this area is lost dogs picked up by your local dog officer don't always go to the local shelters. Some cities and towns segregate these dogs and hold them in their own holding areas. Check with your local dog officer to find out if your dog has been picked up. These dogs may eventually be released for adoption to the local shelters, but that is a much longer process than you want to deal with if you've lost your pet.

    I discovered this during a local town meeting debate several years ago when people were wondering why the local town was paying for holding when we also had a shelter in town. The shelter didn't take on the town's strays. That was a separate negotiation.

  2. Likewise seek advice from your local city/town canine police officer. A very important factor men and women don't get in this region will be dropped dogs selected from your community canine police officer will not constantly navigate to the community pet shelters. Many cities along with cities segregate most of these dogs along with keep these into their individual possessing places. Seek advice from your local canine police officer to determine if the canine has become selected. Most of these dogs may ultimately possibly be unveiled pertaining to ownership for the community pet shelters, but it really is a much longer method when compared with you wish to deal with options dropped your current pets.

    I recently found this specific on a community area getting together with discussion previously while citizens were questioning why your neighborhood area was purchasing possessing once we also had a new protection around. This protection don't accept this town's strays. That has been some other discussion.


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