
Friday, May 31, 2013

7 Ways to Keep Your Cats Cool This Summer

Any cat owner will tell you that their cat is cool but when the temperature starts to rise how do you keep your cat REALLY cool?  

According to my cat, Buster, there are 7 ways to keep your cat cool this summer: 

                1. Get plenty of sleep

2. Camp out and get comfy in a shady spot

                    3. Lie on your tile floor 

      4. Stay close to your breezy fan


5. Drink plenty of water

6. Keep your paws cool with a few rounds of ping-pong aerobics

7. And above all, keep your chin up! The dog days of summer will be over soon!   
Now that Buster has shared these cooling tips, he'd like to know how you keep your cats (and dogs too) cool in the summer heat?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy 5th Birthday to My Friend, Daisy!

While I was browsing for pictures of Daisy's adoption day (May 30, 2009) I stumbled on this one which was taken in the back parking lot of McDonald's in Vermont where my former pet sitter partner and fiance, Amos, met Daisy and her foster parents for the first time. What a day that was! 

You can't tell in this picture but I was wearing a brace on my left knee because I was recovering from emergency knee surgery that I had a month prior and you can't tell by our smiles that we were nervous about Daisy adapting to us after living with her foster parents for three months but she surprised us by

adapting to our city home, our cats, and to her new job as a dog walking assistant very quickly.

 For the first two years in Manchester she walked with Sophie and countless other friends


when I moved to Dover in 2011 she helped me walk Delainey, Emma, and many other pals and has loved every minute of it!

Since adoption she's also adjusted to having one "parent" rather than two and she's done quite well with that! I'm proud that I took the steps (literally) to adopt her because she's my buddy and I love her!

Happy 5th birthday, Daisy!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Delainey and Emma's 8 Day Vacation With Their Pet Sitter (and Daisy Too)!

When I was asked to stay overnight with my beautiful pals, Delainey,

and Emma, at their house for seven nights I was excited because I enjoy them so much but I was also unsure how they would adjust to their owner's absence and I also wondered if they would allow

my coon hound (and their best buddy), Daisy, to share their bed in a peaceful manner! As you can see from these pictures, they have gotten along famously every night! Yes, I have been woken up at random times in the wee hours of the morning but nonetheless they have been great company for each other and for me.

When I began Teacher's Pet Sitting Service eleven years ago I didn't have overnight stays on my website but as the years went on requests for this service poured in and I'm so glad to provide such comfort to sweet friends (such as Emma and Delainey) because  I know they appreciate it. I also know that Daisy loves the companionship (if the owner approves, of course) too!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day!

To all those who gave everything, both human and canine, we thank you. Happy Memorial Day!

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Guest Blogger, Jesse, Explains What It's Like to Be a Pet Sitting Assistant

It's a gloomy, rainy day in New Hampshire so that means I have had plenty of time to scroll down to my old blog posts and came across this popular one about my guest blogger, Jesse, who took her job seriously as my pet sitting assistant for over 3 years when I lived in Manchester. I miss that gal and I miss my former clients so I thought I'd pay tribute to them today: 

I'm Jesse, the only guest blogger with four legs and a tail. I was chosen to be a guest blogger because I've been my pet sitter's sidekick for a long, long time! I know a lot of my pet sitter's clients and I thought you would enjoy meeting all of my kitty and doggie friends but not all at once, of course!

Before I take you on a field trip to meet a few of my friends I want to remind you of my other friends: my special kitty friend, Papi, and Papi's dogs, Molly and Cooper. Out of the three, Papi is my favorite, but you already know that!

Now, let me introduce you to a fawn pug named Isabella who has lots of wrinkles on her face. I am confused by her wrinkles and I think about them while we walk together. Does she have wrinkles because she worries too much? Or does she have wrinkles because she's an old lady? Either way, I love her lots! She also snorts like a pig when she sniffs other dog's unmentionables or when April tells her how pretty she is. She's pretty? What about me? Aren't I pretty too? I'm happy to report that she was well-behaved today; no kissing, no hugging, and no "circle dance" and I like it that way!

After we said goodbye to Isabella I jumped in the car and suddenly I'm hearing voices and I'm awfully confused. I can't figure out where the voices are coming from! Then I hear a whirring noise and I see a  round thingy pop out of a black box. Scary! 

I watch her put another round thingy inside the black box and the voices start again. The voices never ever stop and I can't understand why April is paying so much attention to a talking black box. I wonder if she knows that I'm sitting right behind her, bored silly. I can't stand it anymore so I peer over my pet sitter's shoulder and she explains that she's listening to a talking book called an audio book. She says she can't stay away from books for one minute but I don't understand why when I'm around!

Our next stop is to see an English bulldog who goes by the name, MacGowen, but I think he should go by the name "Wild"! I've never seen a dog bolt out of his crate or crazily race up and down the hallway like this dog! Does he think he's in a race? You would think he was about to pee his pants by the way he practically pushes the front door open! It's not good manners to open the door for the pet sitter, doesn't he know that? 

 April says MacGowen is an amazing off-leash walker but today he decided to run off to sniff a box of Cheez-It's for a few minutes. MacGowen is the naughtiest boy I know but April just laughs at him! Isn't that strange?

At the next house I met a new kitty cat friend named Phoebe and I think she is gorgeous, don't you? You can't tell from the picture but she has prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen! I could've stared at her for hours but everything changed when I turned to look at Phoebe's dog, Monkey. When our eyes met, I saw stars and hearts floating above his head, my heart went pitter-patter, and I was so nervous that I couldn't even bark! You guessed it! I was head over heels in love with a dog named Monkey!

My sweetie lives near a place that April believes to be the biggest secret dog park in Manchester and I think she's right. Not a dog in sight except us! How romantic!


It's pretty obvious why I am so smitten by this Monkey Man. I mean, what girl dog can resist that long body and those little droopy ears?

Or his bowed out feet?

Or his handsome profile?

When we got back to Monkey's house April told him she would see him again on Monday. I don't know how long it will be before that day comes but I know one thing for sure: Monday is Monkey day!

  At the end of our field trip, April hands me a few treats and then she starts writing in a big white notebook that my humans always look at when they come home. I don't know what they're reading but the words make them happy and that's all that matters to me!

Thanks for reading about my special day!



Friday, May 24, 2013

Joust and Chalupa Join the Teacher's Pet Sitting Service Family

When I met my new friend Joust, a 10 year old Basenji, three weeks ago he and his "sibling",  

a seven year old chihuahua named Chalupa had just  moved into their new condominium with their owner so they weren't so sure what to think of me until I arrived a few days later to walk them. I'm happy to report that they adjusted to their new home and new dog walker very well

Needless to say, it is a lot of fun to have these handsome boys by my side twice a week! Aren't they as cute as can be?  

Thursday, May 23, 2013

4 Not-So-Scaredy Cats Join the Teacher's Pet Sitting Service Family


I bet you're thinking that I look like a scaredy-cat in this picture and I really was when my new pet sitter walked in the door a few weeks ago. I thought, "What is she going to do to me and my siblings?" Well, as I checked her out from afar I noticed that she was doing the nicest things in the whole wide world! She was filling up our kibble and water bowls, emptying our Friskies wet food onto our plates, and leaving treats on the carpet for us! Oh, and she also scooped our litter boxes but I don't want to talk about that because, well, it's an embarrassing topic. 

Anyway, after I saw how nice she was I gave a four paws up review of her work and told my sisters,





Shaggy that it was purrfectly safe for April to come back to see us whenever she wanted to! Needless to say, our pet sitter is the cat's meow!

Meows and Purrs, 


Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Purrfect Words of Wisdom from Jack and Rose

Jack and Rose have made a furry comeback, my friends, and are here to remind us to travel towards happiness even if we look silly while doing so. I hope you got a chuckle out of this  picture as much as I did! 

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, May 20, 2013

Beatrice's Weekend With Her Pet Sitter Wins a Four Paws Up Vote!

Before I stayed overnight with Beatrice she stayed at her grandparent's home and all was well until she was asleep in her crate and that was when she started shivering and crying.  The poor thing missed her parents and wanted to be at her own home and that's where I came in two weekends ago.  Literally.

Beatrice's mom thought her puppy would be happier at home but wondered if she would get too lonely. As you can see in the picture above, she spent a lot of time telling her new pet sitter that it was so nice to have me sit beside her on HER couch and then she started to get sleepy so naturally

she wandered to the pillow behind me and took a long nap.

When she woke up she was so happy that I still there that she asked me to go out to play with her. Of course, I thought it was the cutest thing in the world that she dragged her favorite blanket outdoors. Can everyone say, "Awww!"?

After sleeping until 10:00 in the morning (Have you ever met a dog who sleeps in that late?) without one moment of shivering and crying I drove home and came back with a new friend for Beatrice. Daisy! As you can see, the two had a lot to investigate and talk about. I have a feeling they are going to request to have play dates in the near future!

The verdict of Beatrice's first weekend at home with her pet sitter? Four paws up, my friends, and I am so happy she was comforted that I was there!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Four-Year-Old Meredith Writes a Letter to God to Help Her Cope With the Loss of Dog, Abbey

You may have heard this heartwarming story about four year old Meredith who was so upset that her beloved 14 year old dachshund mix, Abbey, had to be put to sleep due to liver cancer that she asked her mom to help her write a letter to God.

She wanted to be sure that God would recognize Abbey when she got to heaven so she dictated these words:

Dear God,

Will you please take care of my dog? Abbey died yesterday and is with you in heaven. I miss her very much.

I 'm happy that you let me have her as my dog even though she got sick.
I hope you will play with her. She likes to swim and play with balls.

I am sending a picture of her so when you see her you will know that she is my dog.

I really miss her. 


They put the letter in an envelope with a picture of Abbey & Meredith,
addressed it to God/Heaven.

Meredith pasted several stamps on the front of the envelope because she
said it would take lots of stamps to get the letter all the way to heaven. That afternoon she sent the letter off to God. 

A few days later there was a package wrapped in gold paper on their front porch addressed, 'To Meredith' in an unfamiliar hand. 

Meredith opened it. Inside was a book by Mr. Rogers called, 'When a Pet Dies.'

Taped to the inside front cover was the letter they had written to God in its opened envelope.

On the opposite page was the picture of Abbey & Meredith and this note:

Dear Meredith,

Abbey arrived safely in heaven. Having the picture was a big help and I
recognized her right away.

Abbey isn't sick anymore. Her spirit is here with me just like it stays in your heart.

Abbey loved being your dog.

Since we don't need our bodies in heaven, I don't have any pockets to
keep your picture in so I'm sending it back to you in this little book for
you to keep and have something to remember Abbey by.

Thank you for the beautiful letter and thank your mother for helping you
write it and sending it to me.

What a wonderful mother you have. I picked her especially for you.

I send my blessings every day and remember that I love you very much.

By the way, I'm easy to find. I am wherever there is love.


I loved that Meredith's mother took the time to help her daughter write a letter to God because it helped her four year old cope with the loss of her beloved friend, Abbey, and I hope parents the world over will put this story to action when their pet passes away.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Daisy, the Resident Ball Girl

If you've been keeping up with the many, many highlights of Daisy's walks in our little city of Dover, New Hampshire, you'll know that she is one of the most entertained and well-known dogs in her neighborhood. Besides getting treats from the bank, the gas station, the hardware store, and the barber shop, she recently became a ball retriever for the elementary students at St. Mary Academy and she takes this job very seriously.

As soon as her paws reach the ball she impatiently waits for me to pick it up so we can run across the street

and then watch me throw it over the fence while the children happily call Daisy's name. When she completes her job she is so reluctant to leave the children that I have to nudge her along while promising we will stop by tomorrow. Trust me, walking with Daisy isn't just a walk; it's an adventure!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day, everyone! 


Henry, Buster, and Daisy(and blog mom too!)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Lost Lake Elementary Principal Hams It Up to Reward Students

When Lost Lake Elementary School principal Rhonda Hunt promised she would kiss a pig if the school raised more than $20,000 in its fundraiser to help the school purchase new playground equipment. Lake County's most famous star, Chris P. Bacon, arrived at the school to give Hunt a smooch that she and the students would remember for a lifetime. 

Want to see this special kiss in action? View this adorable video that the first grade students made to honor this little pig on wheels! Enjoy!