
Monday, September 18, 2017

Be Prepared for Puppyhood With My 15 Item Shopping List

My Rhodesian Ridgeback friend, Chopper, is ready for puppyhood!

This week I became inspired to advertise a convenient "Puppy Prep" shopping service for clients because with all of the nerves and excitement of bringing home that bundle of joy it's hard to concentrate on anything other than picking up your pup at the adoption site, right? Wouldn't it be great to arrive at home with all of the items ready for him or her or go shopping with a professional pet sitter who knows exactly where to go and what to buy?  

My first puppy client, Rocky, a Cairn Terrier,  in 2006!
Please enjoy the following shopping list which was compiled from my own personal experience as a new mom of my coon hound, Daisy, and from clients who hired me to watch over their puppies over the years:

1) A size-appropriate crate (for example, a Chihuahua doesn't need an extra-large crate) that is metal rather than made of fabric because fabric crates will be destroyed easily. Should you purchase a crate that you anticipate your dog will grow into I strongly suggest you buy a divider that can be moved backwards as your pup grows.
2) A ticking clock (it has been proven that the ticking reminds pups of their mom's heartbeat) that could either be wrapped in a towel and placed within the crate, above the crate, or in the back half of the crate.
3) Classical music CD's to soothe pups while you are away.
4) Chew toy to keep them busy - I recommend a Kong Classic Dog Toy that can be filled with plain peanut butter (I recommend the all-natural brand, Teddie) or cheese.
5) A water bottle dispenser or a no-spill bowl that securely attaches to the crate (because some pups might knock over their bowl).
6) Toys - Avoid toys that have ribbons, feathers, strings, eyes, or other small parts that could fall off, be removed, chewed or eaten. I recommend EVERYTHING from the Kong company
7) Pee pads BUT I caution they not be placed inside the crate until you get to know your pup as some love to shred them!
8) Doggie playpen - An alternative to an open crate but some puppy parents like the idea of placing a crate inside the playpen area so pups have optional spots to rest in. However, I recommend this dual option months down the road once he/ she has been trained.
9) No-pull Lupine brand harness or no-slip Martingale collar (these collars have 2 metal rings and work as a training tool, slip over their heads, and gently nudges the pup when he pulls without the fear of the collar getting loose.

10) Four or six foot leash and no longer and that includes avoiding retractable leashes which are unsafe and only encourage poor walking habits.
11) Bach's Rescue Remedy Pet drops which are known as a natural anti-anxiety product that can be administered orally or added to their water.
12) Treats -I recommend organic, grain-free soft treats or carrots but every dog has their own distinct tastes! 
13) Dog crate cover (a blanket will serve the purpose just as well as a store-bought one) to make the crate become like the sanctuary it is meant to be!
14) Dog crate bed/mat - Until your pup is fully potty trained I recommend using blankets or towels from home at first!
15) ID tags - Of the many options available I've found that the most economical ones are at the Quick Tag booth inside Walmart!

 Nellie, my dearly departed King Charles Cavalier client, preferred hamburger in her Kong rather than peanut butter!
Whether I do the shopping for you or whether you do the shopping yourself I hope this list gives you a stress-free start with your new bundle of joy!

Do you have any other go-to shopping items that I've forgotten to add to the list? Please share them! I'm sure all puppy owners would love to read about your experiences! Thank you!

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