Monday, February 18, 2013

Putting My Left Knee Forward For Fashion's Sake

For those who know me well, fashion is very important to me which is one reason why I was so thrilled that I was allowed to wear these socks during knee surgery on Friday. Not only did Kermit the Frog add just the right pop of color to my drab johnny but he also added a little bit of whimsy to the situation and the nurses agreed by exclaiming, "Cute socks!" and "Where did you get them?" as I was wheeled to the surgery table. So, naturally, we had a nice conversation about the joys of shopping at Target which almost made me forget that surgery was literally around the corner.

Another thing that was not allowed in surgery was my wristwatch so the nurses were kind enough to give me these lovely bracelets as replacement. Pretty, right?

After surgery I was in a lot of pain but not in enough pain to make me forget to put my mukluk slipper boots on and to snap a photo for my blogger, Facebook, and other close friends to see. My knee is the focus here, really it is! LOL

By the time I got home on Saturday evening the pain increased so I was happy to lie down with my peas, mukluks boots, my furry on-call doctor, Buster, and a whole lot of ibuprofen! 

I'm happy to report that as of this morning (which is also Daisy's two month hip surgery anniversary date) I'm not hobbling around as much and am walking around much better than I was yesterday (and so isn't Daisy)!


  1. Buster looks unsure about your choice of cold packs...glad your procedure went well! Hubby is up for knee surgery soon to vac out all the ball bearings in there.

    1. Buster does seem very confused by my cold pack, I agree! He probably wondered why the peas weren't in a bowl in front of his face! So sorry to hear that your hubby is going to have surgery soon!

  2. I know you are in good paws with Doctor Buster. He looks like he takes his job very seriously. Hoping you are 100% soon. But take it easy so healing can happen.

    1. Yes, Buster is very serious about his new role as doctor! He loves keeping me warm while my knee is frozen. LOL

  3. Hoping you don't have to be on crate-rest or wear your cone... As Goose said, don't push too hard, so you'ss be 100% soon!!

    -Bart, Ruby and Otto (who has had to wear his cone :-)

    1. So far Buster hasn't nudged me into the crate or made me wear a cone! I'm so fortunate! LOL

  4. Ha ha just seen rottovers' comment. Take it easy and we hope you will be up and about A OK soon. Have a restful Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Truth be told, Daisy's cone was thrown in the garbage as soon as I knew she was on the mend from her surgery so I am safe from having to wear one. LOL

  5. Glad your surgery went okay, and hope your knee will feel better soon

  6. you are too adorable! LOVE the socks! I need to bring my phone when I have my lithotripsy in March lol.
    Soooo glad you are on the mend!

    1. A dear and hilarious girlfriend of mine (who doesn't blog, by the way) thinks it's funny that I photograph practically everything for my Blogville friends to see! So, let this post be a lesson for you....don't forget your camera when you have your surgery in March!

  7. Ow!!!!! Please get better and keep resting! Yay for Dr Buster and Kermit socks! take care

    1. I figured I couldn't go wrong with Kermit and Buster during and after surgery! LOL

  8. Glad it all went well. The socks add a certain je ne sais what!! mol Get back on your knees ....errr ... feet soon x

    1. Thank you! The socks did add a splash of color to the joint! LOL!

  9. Looks like you have a good nurse there. Cute feets. Hope that knee heals soon
    Benny & Lily

    1. Buster is very proud of his new-found doctor status! He doesn't understand the peas or Kermit but that's okay....

  10. Glad that is over. Now comes the rest and relaxation. Never easy, but take it from me, do all the physical therapy you can. A lot of that stuff doesn't always feel good or even seem like it's doing much, but it is. I highly recommend a soothing whirlpool massage.


    1. A whirlpool massage! That's the ticket! I'm signing up for that asap! I don't have to do any physical therapy b/c this surgery was minor but I do have flex my thigh muscle and flex my leg (two things I haven't done much of b/c of the pain) though!

  11. Wow, getting around better already?! That's great!

    Speedy healing!

  12. Thanks for sharing. We like your blog a lot.


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