Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Daisy Barks About Her 2 Month Hip Surgery Anniversary, 1 Day Late!


While standing in Emma and Delainey's yard today I had a standoff (get it?) with my mom because she barely mentioned my 2 month hip surgery anniversary date in yesterday's post and instead she talked about her MINOR knee surgery! Please! My hip surgery was much more dramatic than hers and therefore the 18th of every month should be dedicated to yours truly. Am I right? Or am I right? So this is how our conversation went down today:

 Mom: Daisy, why won't you look at me today? 

Daisy: Because you only mentioned my two month hip surgery anniversary in ONE sentence in yesterday's post! I'm hurt (get it?)!

Mom: In my defense, I was in a lot of pain yesterday so you're lucky I mentioned you at all. Besides, you got plenty of attention for TWO MONTHS. Your mom deserves at least ONE DAY of sympathy!

Daisy: You're right. One day is far less than 60 days of sympathy but could you please extend the sympathy card to 61 days by updating everyone about my progress? 

Mom: I'm kinda tired today, Daisy, so why don't you do the honors instead?

 Daisy: Pawsome! So, my friends, here I am showing Emma and Delainey that I can easily walk down the stairs,

be outstanding in the field (get it?), and 

most importantly, run! 

Mom: Very nice job, Daisy! I'm sure your friends are happy for you BUT let's focus on ME tomorrow, okay? 

Daisy: Grrrrr!


  1. Daisy it is very ggood to see you doing so well. Make sure you give your mom a big old healing lick right on the face.

    1. Bark out loud! I did give mom a big sloppy kiss right after I posted this and she loved it (sort of)! Daisy

  2. Great pupdate Daisy. We are glad you are now A OK. April we hope you are in less pain and managing OK. Sending big hugs. Take it easy.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thank you for sending my mom some healing words. Even though she took all of my glory in yesterday's post I really was concerned about her and hope she is back on those Kermit the Frog feet soon! Daisy

  3. Daisy, I think you made your point very well!! ;)

  4. yay!! so happy that you are feeling better and hope your Mom is too!

    1. If it wasn't for the paws of support from Blogville I wouldn't have gotten better so quickly! I'm pawsitive of it! Daisy

  5. This is great news Daisy. Yippee for two months gone by
    Benny & Lily

  6. Hi Everybuddy...It's me, Daisy, and I am so excited that I can do most of the things I used to do before surgery. I'm still afraid of cars but not as bad as before! My mom doesn't like that I will only walk on Bebe and Delainey and Emma's streets and not on mine though!

  7. That's a great post - thanks for sharing.


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