Friday, February 15, 2013

The Tale (and Tail) of the Kneecap

On April 15, 2009, my pet sitting client and close buddy, Sophie, pulled me towards the edge of sidewalk at such a quick pace that I was unable to stop myself from falling and consequently I broke my left kneecap in four pieces and was rushed to the hospital was scheduled for surgery the following morning.

When I woke from surgery my kneecap looked like this but despite the unattractive worm-like scar life went on as usual (regular trips to the gym, walking dogs at break neck speeds, yoga, jogging, etc) until one year ago when I started to feel a great deal of discomfort after exercising too intensely. As the year went on bumps were protruding from my kneecap so I headed to my surgeon's office in October to  

get x-rays. Much to my surprise, it was wires rather than screws that were causing me so much discomfort so it was recommended that I have them removed. 

As you read this today I will be undergoing minor surgery and I will be up and around as good as new by Sunday! I am not looking forward to this at all but knowing that you are here to lend a supportive paw and hand is very comforting to me! I will report back on Sunday to let you know how well I am doing, okay?


  1. Wishing you all the best, April, for successful surgery xx

  2. Fingers crossed the surgery goes well!

  3. OooooH! Ouch! I hope you are as good as new ASAP!

  4. Our paws are crossed that this "minor" surgery goes extremely well!

    Bart, Ruby and Otto

  5. Fingers and paws crossed here.

  6. Hope you have a fast recovery

  7. Yikes! We all send you purrs and hugs for rapid healing.

  8. Here's to a quick and successful surgery! That looks painful! :)

  9. We are sending you many purrs and hugs!! Hope all goes well! Take care

  10. Thank you for all of your purr-rayers, hugs, and crossed paws! The anticipation of the surgery was worse than the surgery itself! I am on the mend! I rented crutches but found after the surgery that I don't need them! Stay tuned! Thank you, thank you!


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