Sunday, February 17, 2013

Heroic Pit Bull Saves Family From Fire in Oklahoma

If you are tired of the stigma attached to the supposed ferociousness of pit bulls this story about a 10-year-old pit bull terrier who rescued her two humans, Rhonda and Evelyn, and five family dogs from her Lincoln County, Oklahoma, will make your heart sing! 

On Tuesday morning Rhonda Westenberger and her sister were sound asleep unaware of the fire until Baby sprang to action. Baby nudged, barked, pounced, and touched Rhonda until she woke up just in the nick of time. 

The women ran out but their other five dogs were stuck inside. So, once again, Baby came to the rescue. 

"And then there was one hiding under the bed, wouldn't come out," said family member Charles Land. "Baby actually went under there, grabbed it by the neck and dragged him outside." 

The family lost their home of 17 years along with everything inside it. However, they are focusing on the love and gratitude they feel toward their beloved pit bull. 

Can't get enough of Baby's story? Watch this news clip (with Kleenex in hand) below!

Dog Saves Wellston, Oklahoma Family from House Fire


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