Friday, October 12, 2012

Double a Shelter Animal's Chance Of Being Adopted With 'Pics For Pets'

For the past three weeks I have been volunteering as a cat photographer at Cocheco Valley Humane Society and even though it is a rewarding experience it is also a challenge because I don't want the photographs to portray a depressed, lonely pet but instead I'd rather show the public that they are happy, hopeful, and playful. In other words, I think individuals need to see photographs of pets in their best moment.

It was a challenge to photograph Thomas Jefferson in his best moment but the wait was worthwhile because within days of posting his curious face on the internet he was adopted and I love that I had a small part in getting him there! 

After watching world-renowned photographer, Nigel Barker, talk about his new campaign, Pics For Pets, with Kathie Lee and Hoda on the Today Show I realized I wasn't the only one who thought that pets would have a better chance of getting adopted if their picture was more engaging.  

Nigel believes that "just by taking and sharing a great picture of a shelter animal, you can DOUBLE it’s chance of being adopted. Pics for Pets is a campaign that gives you the tools to take and share great photos of shelter animals to get them adopted."

In conjunction with, Facebook has created an app that can be downloaded to your desktop, android, or iphone. You can then can share pet photos with all your friends on social media and post it to any shelter with just one click.

In my opinion, I think pets have a much better chance at getting adopted with a good photograph and the  Pics For Pets app! I've joined the Pic For Pets campaign today! How about you?


  1. That's wonderful. There are so many that need homes and anything that helps is great. I think, too, that the public needs to 'fall in love' at first sight which would be, of course, the photo. Good luck with this. Deb

  2. Agree, the better the photo, the better of the adoption chance
    Benny & Lily

  3. We agree too and good luck to them all. Have a super Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly.

  4. This is a great idea! Hope it helps some lovely animals find their new forever homes


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