Sunday, October 14, 2012

And The Winner Of The Silly Saturday Photo Caption Is ---

Thank you so much for pawticipating in the Silly Saturday Photo Caption Contest this weekend! Out of the six captions one was clearly the favorite of my readers and it was, 

"Really? That's the best you can come up with? Like I am suppose to think this is a birdie? Come on, put some effort into this."

written by Goose who shares the adventures that he has with his mom and with his friends on his popular blog, Gospel Of Goose.
So, congratulations, Goose! You have been inducted into the Silly Saturday Hall Of Fame for the second time! Yippee!
 Your gifts and certificate will be arriving as soon as pawsible!


  1. Oh my goodness! I won! WOW, did not see that coming. I am honored. Please know that I would be totally OK if you wanted to donate my prize to a pup in need, a shelter or something. I just love each Saturday contest, MOM and I have a good time trying to come up with something. We look forward to it. Thank you again.

    1. How kind of you to say that you wouldn't mind giving your prize to someone else! I do not mind giving you the honor of winning this contest twice but will ask Molly the Wally if she would like the honors instead because she was 2nd in line to win!

  2. Congats to you Goose!! Great caption :)

  3. Gongrats buddy. That was a great caption.

  4. Congrats Goose! I couldn't think of anything I was so distracted by the cat!

  5. If you didn't see yesterdays post re missing furry friend can you pop by and see if you can help. Anything we can do will be greatly appreciated. Have a happy Monday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. that is too cute. both the photo and the caption provided. :)

    thanks for finding me and leaving a comment! always nice to 'meet' a fellow lover of animals. :)


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