Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Smudge The Basset Hound Works That Body To Stay Sexy!

How does a basset hound stay sexy? By lifting free weights, practicing his yoga moves, jumping over hurdles, and jogging, that's what! 

My coon hound, Daisy, doesn't lift weights or jog but she does run with her pals at the dog park and she also goes on 2-3 hour walks with me every day to stay in shape. 

I'm curious....does your dog work out like Smudge does to stay slim, trim, and sexy? Or does your dog have a different work out? Please share!


  1. Awwwwww gorgeous Smudge! LOL!! Awww what a cutie!! LOL! Love the end where he's snoring happily away! He's sexy and he knows it! Take care

  2. Smudge is absolutely adorable and very determined to stay in shape, for sure! I especially loved watching his ears flop around during his work out.

  3. Those ears! Adorable. Nice to meet you.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Molly the Wally,

    Thanks for becoming my newest follower! I am your newest follower too & can't wait to read more about you!

    I do love Smudge's ears very much too!


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