Thursday, July 12, 2012

Daisy's Delightful Tour Of Dover

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When Daisy moved to downtown Dover, New Hampshire with me in August 2011 she immediately fell in love because at nearly every store, restaurant, or coffee shop bowls of water and milk bones were on their front stoop for her. If refreshments weren't available shop owners allowed her to browse inside. 

Needless to say, I'm delighted that Daisy is a well known and well known neighbor in this wonderful city!

Please enjoy Daisy's delightful tour of Dover!


  1. We are glad Dover is such a dog friendly town and that she is happy. Have a good day.
    Best wishes Molly

  2. Thanks, Molly the Wally, for your good wishes! In my opinion, Daisy is the most popular dog of Dover but I'm biased, of course!

  3. Daisy, you are so pretty. Glad you are happy in your home. Where you live can make such a difference.

  4. Daisy is sooo pretty! We have a friend here with a beagle who is also named Daisy!!!!

    Mom wanted to thank you for visiting my blog today (this is Dakota)...she was so excited when she came here and saw you now have the "follow by email" option! That is how she is following all of the blogs now and she is sooo happy! She just signed up! She was following you before but stopped going into her Blog roll because it was too annoying!

  5. Hi Dakota,
    I tried added your blog to my blog roll but had such a hard time of it (maybe because my paws are too big for the keyboard?) so I'm going to become an email subscriber (with my mom's help) to make it easier to find your blog again b/c I don't want to miss out on anything you are doing! Your mom has been a big help to my mom so we appreciate you!
    I am so glad my mom picked out such a fun place for me to live in because when I'm happy, my mom's happy and that's very impawtent, right?

  6. Sweet sweet Daisy!! Awww what a fab compilation of gorgeous pics of Daisy! Yay! Take care

  7. Glad you liked all of my pictures, everyone! Thanks for watching!

  8. Daisy that was a great tour. I am thrilled to be your newest follower! Looking forward to knowing you better.

  9. That sounds like a wonderful place to live! We wish we could move there!

  10. Glad the town was welcoming
    Benny & Lily

  11. All towns should be like Dover! :) What a wonderful place you have moved to Daisy!

    Waggin at ya,


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