Saturday, July 14, 2012

7 TipsTo keep Your Cats Cool This Summer

Any cat owner will tell you that their cat is cool but when the temperature starts to rise how do you keep your cat REALLY cool?  

If you aren't sure how to keep your cats cool this summer, you are in luck because my very cool cat, Buster, is here to help with the following 7 tips:  

            1. Get plenty of sleep

2. Camp out in the shadiest room in the house

 3. Lay low on your tile floor

4. Stay close to your breezy fan

5. Drink plenty of water

6. Keep your paws cool with a few rounds of ping-pong aerobics

7. And above all, keep your chin up! The dog days of summer will be over soon!   
Now that Buster has shared these 7 cooling tips, he'd like to know how you keep your cats (and dogs too) cool in the summer heat?


  1. Glad to hear that you will be in the olympics..

  2. Summer heat , what is that? Here across the pond it is seven top tips to keeping dry. Have a lovely weekend.
    Best wishes Molly

  3. Hello there!
    It's Buster here and I forgot one of the top coolest things ever invented to fight off the heat....air conditioning....but Henry & I are afraid of it so we hide in another cool spot....the closet! What other cool spots do my fellow kitty friends hide in? Do tell!

  4. Basements are key! But we haven't had temps much over 80 and feel grateful, considering what the rest of the country has been going through.

  5. Cody keeps cool by utilizing these great tips above....Dakota keeps cool by pretending he is a cat and trying not to go outside! lol

  6. Oh man, is it every HOT! I, Mango, like to sit in front of the fan. Momma makes me stand still whilst she hoses me if I get too hot from the outside. I suppose it is good for me, but I don't really like it.



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